Thursday, March 15, 2012

Busy Busy

Well we surely have been busy...especially my husband!  We've been in our home for almost three weeks, and in that time we've started lots of projects (notice I didn't say finish:)  One of the first things our son helped us change was the dangerous stair railing at the top of our staircase. He promptly demonstrated that he could get through it, which led to it being taken down that evening.

We started looking at ideas to remedy the large gaps and we found a fun idea:

So Jeff ran over to Lowes and got lumber and pretty quickly this is now what sits in its place!

It still needs finished and the detail work done on it, but it's great to have a functional barrier!

The other projects we've done or started is replacing a non-functioning green 1970's toilet...

 demolishing part of the kitchen wall ( the new refrigerator wouldn't fit through any doorway to the kitchen--my bad--thankfully we're taking that wall out anyway.)  The delivery guys thought it was rather funny that I took out the doorway and part of the wall so they could get the fridge in place!  

This is gone...and in its place: 

Jeff also replace the nasty dishwasher with a beautiful stainless one that washes dishes I said he's been busy!

Also, the stairs to our basement had no ballasts...not a good thing with two little kids...a 7 foot fall onto concrete needed to be prevented before they could play down here.  
I'm hoping to paint them today so I'll post pictures soon.  

We've ordered carpet and hope to get it in the living room in the next two weeks...and I have lots of paint samples so we can pick just the right color!

I've been unpacking like crazy and redoing the pantry (I'm not a huge fan of particleboard and green ivy contact paper) so I'm doing it in black and white.  

And we've picked out tile for the kitchen floor...and come to find out there is 3 layers on linoleum that we're going to have to take up before we can tile! 

You can look a few pictures back to see the brick looking flooring that is in the kitchen right now:) 

It's fun to get to improve so many things on our house...and I'm very fortunate to have a very handy hubby!  Hopefully I'll be able to post some more finished photos soon!